I have gotten a lot of questions about our new outdoor cage, so I just wanted to reply to some of the most common ones - and also describe which considerations, I had when I chose the cage.
My cage is bought online Anthons.dk - a Danish pet supply webshop. The type of cage is called Sinatra, and it is 175 x 70 centimeters (and have two floors - but we are currently only using one). We assembled it ourselves.
To me it was important that the cage was roofed to make the piggies less exposed to bad weather - but also to protect them from birds and other predators. The materials had to be fox and dog proof - and I wanted it to be a relatively heavy, so it cannot easily be pushed over.
I am not using any houses in the cage at the moment, because the weather is quite hot, and the temperatures in small houses can get really high. However, this cage has several sides which are wooden and therefore makes the piggies feel safe - and I always place the cage up against a fence or bush, so they feel protected.
I make sure the piggies have water and that the cage is placed in a way that several spots (or the entire cage) is in shadow.
Remember that your piggies' stomachs have to get used to fresh grass - so introduce them slowly to their outdoor cage. My piggies were only outside for an hour the first day, then a couple of hours the next - and now we are slowly increasing it day by day.
We hope you are all enjoying your summer!